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Defense Team Statement: Michael Ballweg

23rd Day of Trial in the Case Against Michael Ballweg – Fabricated Revenue Claims by the Prosecution

Stuttgart, February 25, 2025 – On the 23rd day of the trial at the Stuttgart Regional Court, a police chief inspector who had investigated Michael Ballweg’s income and expenses testified as a witness. The testimony exposed numerous errors in the investigation and further highlighted the weaknesses of the prosecution’s case.

Investigation Errors and Inaccurate Calculations

During his testimony, the police officer had to admit multiple errors in his report. One of the most serious revelations was that the prosecution misrepresented a loan repayment of €50,000 by media access GmbH as a cash donation and thus counted it as purpose-bound revenue.

Additionally, it became clear that the two cash deposits of €40,000 each claimed in the indictment never actually happened. Instead, there was only one cash deposit of €40,000 into the account. This is particularly critical because it proves that the prosecution invented Querdenken revenue in the indictment that never actually existed. Revenue that does not exist cannot be misused, as claimed in the indictment.

Attorney Ralf Ludwig commented on today’s hearing: "The prosecution artificially inflated revenue figures to justify its calculations. It reused some figures, and even fabricated cash income to make the results fit the indictment."

Police Investigations Without a Clear Basis

The witness’s testimony also revealed that essential foundations for an objective assessment of QUERDENKEN-711’s finances were missing:

  • The witness could not define what constituted a "Querdenken purpose."
  • He had never reviewed the actual donation appeals or how the funds were used.
  • The investigation relied on assumptions without verifying the actual use of funds.

The witness himself admitted that he was unfamiliar with the term “asset pool” – a fundamental concept in financial and economic law cases.

Attorney Dr. Reinhard Löffler stated: "The figures and reports presented by the investigative authorities today do not align with the indictment. Incorrect assumptions were made, which have now proven to be untenable. The uncertainty within the prosecution was evident."

Reversal of the Burden of Proof – Citizens Must Prove Their Innocence

A particularly concerning moment came when the police officer was asked why cash payments without receipts were not considered payments for Querdenken purposes. His response:

"Because it’s not clear what they were used for."

Michael Ballweg sharply criticized this reasoning: "In a constitutional state, the government must prove a crime – not the citizen’s innocence. But in this case, the burden of proof is simply reversed. If you cannot prove your innocence, you end up in pre-trial detention – as I did for nine months."

Ballweg finds it alarming that this practice appears to be standard procedure for law enforcement agencies: "Today’s proceedings show that flawed investigations and false assumptions are enough to put someone behind bars. This is a dangerous precedent for our legal system."

Outlook on the Next Hearings

On February 27, 2025, Ballweg’s tax advisor will testify to explain the financial calculations and the determined losses of QUERDENKEN-711.

Ludwig concluded: "This trial is becoming more absurd by the day. The errors uncovered today show that the prosecution’s case has already collapsed. I hope the court will soon have the courage to put an end to this trial."


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The Prosecution Explains the Charges – A Numbers Puzzle. Press Conference.