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Defense Team Statement: Michael Ballweg

Press Release: 18th Day of Trial Against Michael Ballweg – Investigations Undermine Their Own Indictment

Stuttgart, January 31, 2025 – The 18th day of the criminal trial against Michael Ballweg once again revealed significant contradictions and inconsistencies in the investigation. The lead detective appeared as a witness for the third time – yet his statements only raised more questions rather than providing clarity. It became particularly evident that the police played only a minor role in this case, while the prosecution and tax investigation authorities had actual control over the house searches and investigations.

Police as "Assistants" to the Tax Investigation?

Attorney Ralf Ludwig commented on the lead detective’s statements: "Today, it was confirmed that the police only had a supporting role during the house search, while the tax investigators and prosecutors were the real driving forces. The police seemingly didn’t even know what they were looking for – they relied on the tax authorities to seize the ‘right’ documents."

The defense noted that the police relied entirely on the prosecutor’s office for the investigation and did not conduct any independent fact-finding. This raises serious questions about the objectivity and fairness of the trial.

Lack of Facts, Arbitrary Numbers, and False Assumptions

Once again, it became apparent that to this day, there are no clear calculations or comprehensible evidence to support the allegations against Michael Ballweg. Numbers were extrapolated, estimations were used, and data was compiled without statistical methodology.

Michael Ballweg stated: "They simply guessed, extrapolated with basic arithmetic, but there was no scientific or economically sound analysis. This kind of investigative work wouldn’t even pass a second-year economics exam."

Already in its ruling on October 6, 2023, the Stuttgart Regional Court determined that the prosecution had based its case on false assumptions. The investigators failed to clarify essential facts and mistakenly assumed that a clear distinction between "private purposes" and the "purposes of QUERDENKEN-711" was possible. This fundamental error has persisted throughout the case, preventing an objective evaluation of the charges.

A 'Defense Witness' Instead of a Prosecution Witness?

Attorney Hans Böhme summed up the day aptly: "The lead investigator was more of a defense witness today. He couldn’t provide any solid evidence, relied on others, shifted responsibility, and contributed little of his own insights. His investigation report was a loose collection of puzzle pieces – without connections and without clear proof."

Even the court appeared critical, repeatedly asking precise questions that the witness was unable to answer clearly. For the defense, this once again confirms that the allegations against Michael Ballweg are fabricated and based on speculative assumptions.

Continuation of the Trial and Call for Support

Michael Ballweg announced that the next hearing will take place on February 4, 2025. A state security officer, who was present during the house search, is expected to testify. This questioning is expected to provide further insight into why a case that the prosecution claims "has nothing to do with politics" was conducted with the involvement of state security from the very beginning.

Ballweg also emphasized the urgent need for financial support for his defense: "My bank account has been closed again. The court is deliberately dragging out the trial – hearings are already scheduled until October. I sincerely thank everyone who continues to support me, whether through donations or by spreading the truth about this process."

The upcoming trial days promise further explosive revelations about the background of the investigations against the founder of the QUERDENKEN movement.


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